In this blog I’m going to show you how use Robomongo to connect to your ObjectRocket MongoDB. Robomongo is a cross-platform MongoDB manager that is available both a paid and an open source version. Check out the Robomongo download page to grab the latest free version.
Adding ACL entries to your ObjectRocket instance
The first thing we need to do is to add an ACL entry for your IP address so that we can access the instance. Go to your instance’s details page, expand the “Security” pane and click on the ‘Add ACL’ button.
To make it easy, lets add your current IP address by simply clicking on the ‘MyIP’ button as seen above. You can update the Description as you wish and complete the action by clicking on the ‘Add ACL Entry’ button.
Add a user to your MongoDB database
For security reasons ObjectRocket for MongoDB doesn’t allow you to add an admin user to the instance itself. Instead we’ll add a user directly to the database you wish to access with Robomongo.
Adding a user to an existing database
Please scroll down to the next section if you haven’t yet added a database to your instance.
Go to your instance details page and expand the Databases section and click on the name of the database you wish to add your user to. Now that you’re on the database details page you can expand the Users section and click on the ‘Add User’ button and enter the Username and Password for your Robomongo user.
Adding a new database and user to your instance
If you don’t already have a database added to your instance you can do so now by clicking on the “Add Database” button. In the form you can give your database a name as well as adding a user and password for accessing it.
Configuring Robomongo to work with ObjectRocket MongoDB
Now we can start Robomongo and create a connection to our database with the user we created above. Robomongo doesn’t support SSL connections at the time of writing this blog, but they do have an issue in Github to address it.
Copy the connection info from your instance
Let’s first start by grabbing the non-SSL connection string from your ObjectRocket MongoDB instance details page in the “Connect” pane.
Create a new connection in Robomongo
Next we’ll go to Robomongo and “Create” a new database connection. Note that the connection string provided by the ObjectRocket UI contains the port number. When adding the connection to Robomongo you’ll need to prune the port off the Address and enter it into the Port field as seen below.
Now we go to the “Authentication” tab in the Connection Settings for entering the database and user credentials you added in the steps above. Be sure to check the “Perform Authentication” box, enter the database name you are connecting to, and use the MongoDB-CR auth mechanism as seen below.
Test your connection
Go ahead and test your configuration by clicking on the test button. You should see the tests pass and now be able to connect to your database and begin exploring your data and managing the indexes as needed.
Having problems getting connected?
We’re always here to help, so go ahead and reach out to us for help on getting connected.
Want to learn more about ObjectRocket?
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Need help with instance creation or setup? Check out our docs over here! That’s not cutting it for you? Then contact our best in the industry MongoDB support and Elasticsearch support, all included as part of your instance.