Adoption of open source databases continues to substantially grow. At Percona Live this year, in a keynote for The State of Open Source Databases [time 12:50-29:35], Peter Zaitsev (CEO @ Percona) cited the Commercial Open Source Software Company Index listing 40 companies generating $100M annually, compared to only 2 companies (RedHat and Mozilla) 5 years ago. RedHat’s The State of Enterprise Open Source 2019, found 68% of respondents in their survey increased usage over the last 12 months and 59% were expecting further increased usage in the coming year. According to the report, though enterprise companies are currently still using proprietary software, its “waning to the point where its use is expected to be at near parity with open source within two years.”
As open source adoption soars and the number of new databases increase, there has been a growing trend for open source databases to require licensing agreements to access enterprise features of their technology, including MongoDB’s server side public license (SSPL), and Elastic, Confluent, and Redis Labs releasing some components with a Source Available License.
At first glance, this appears to pose unique challenges for database management companies like ObjectRocket to take advantage of the growing market share. However, after working with MongoDB Inc. over the last several weeks, what we’ve learned is that there is an incredible opportunity to work alongside database technology companies to create a win-win relationship for everyone. As a MongoDB-as-a-Service provider since 2013, we’ve enjoyed a strong relationship with the company. Having contributed to the growth and adoption of the technology by providing full management and administration of the database, we’ve pushed the boundaries of MongoDB to uncover opportunities for further development and report back on bugs in early releases.
Today we are excited to announce that ObjectRocket is certified by MongoDB Inc. to support the latest versions of MongoDB, and thus have expanded our portfolio with complete MongoDB licensing. This certification enables us to migrate and upgrade our customers to the latest MongoDB patches and releases, as well as escalate any bug fixes on their behalf. Furthermore, MongoDB provides go-to-market support for our managed services offering on third party sites like Heroku.
“MongoDB is committed to giving customers the freedom to run MongoDB anywhere and that includes the Rackspace Cloud,” said Alan Chhabra, SVP of Worldwide Partners, MongoDB. “We are very excited about the strategic expansion of our partnership that allows Rackspace’s ObjectRocket to deliver a fully certified and supported MongoDB-as-a-Service. Rackspace has been known for years for their fantastic customer support and we look forward to working with them to serve our joint customers.”
MongoDB 4.0 is currently supported on ObjectRocket Cloud, with available features including multi-document ACID transactions, aggregation pipeline type conversions, non-blocking secondary reads, extensions to change streams and 40 percent faster data migrations. With the release of MongoDB 4.2, our customers will soon get access to distributed transactions, client-side field level encryption, wildcard indexes, and on-demand materialized views.
Many of these key features will add significant value to our clients including Braze.
“We partnered with ObjectRocket in 2013 to architect and manage our sprawling and fast growing database environment, which currently processes more than 1.5 billion messages per day,” said Jon Hyman, CTO and Co-Founder of Braze. “Rackspace’s ObjectRocket offering has database administrators and engineers who fully support our data, not just the infrastructure, and have worked with us to customize solutions that optimize for our various customer needs. We’re excited about their certification and partnership with MongoDB.”
In a landscape where customers need the right tool at the right time, we are confident that MongoDB will continue to be a strong complement to our customers’ ever-expanding suite of database technologies. Managed MongoDB is a key aspect of our offering and area of growth for us, and we are thrilled to have forged a strong partnership and mutually beneficial relationship with MongoDB through this certification.