Managing your Access Control Lists just got a lot easier.
One way we embrace a secure-by-default approach at ObjectRocket is requiring network Access Control List (ACL) entries for every instance. While ObjectRocket ACLs can be managed via both our web UI and API, customers with large and dynamic application environments have asked for an easier way to deal with ACLs.
Today we are announcing a new feature: ACLSync.
ACLSync is an automated solution for synchronizing your environment’s IP addresses with your ObjectRocket ACLs. ACLSync adds and deletes ACLs on the fly as your environment changes, saving you the trouble of manually managing ObjectRocket network access.
ACLSync is available today for the AWS EC2 platform, with support for other Cloud Service Providers coming soon.
Getting Started with ACLSync
To enable ACLSync for your EC2 environment, simply navigate to your account’s External Integration settings page. In the ACLSync AWS section, select the AWS region you wish to sync with, enter a valid AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (we recommend creating a read-only keypair through IAM for this purpose), and click the button labeled “Set AWS Access Key”.
Your new ACLs should appear for all instances in your account within ten minutes, and will synchronize about every five minutes. ACLs added by ACLSync will automatically appear in the ACL tab of your instance-details page. Each new ACL created from ACLSync will be prefixed with aws-. ACLSync will keep things in sync as your AWS environment changes over time.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact support.