
Sentiment Analysis and Social Analytics with MongoDB & SponsorHub

By March 27, 2015 August 18th, 2022 No Comments
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What creates trust? What makes people laugh, or feel surprised? Can an algorithm pinpoint the exact moment or reason a person expresses excitement?

SponsorHub is on the forefront of emotional analytics, ingesting over 10GB of social data daily to help business understand the specific emotions and intentions expressed by customers in response to marketing stimuli.

SponsorHub is a business built on big data, and the foundation of their data storage is cemented in MongoDB. “The initial cost to implement MongoDB as we were prototyping our solution was very low, and it was the flat-file database solution with the broadest support, so that’s what got us up-and-running” says Chris Luken, SponsorHub’s Senior VP of Product Development.

SponsorHub’s massive data warehouse of online sports and entertainment conversations was great for building the business, but as data sizes began exceeding half a terabyte, the database I/O became a scalability challenge for SponsorHub’s engineering team. “We hit growing pains as our read operations began exceeding 100,000 IOPS, and our MongoDB instance was running into a performance wall”, explains Luken. That’s where ObjectRocket’s managed services for MongoDB came in, which helped optimize SponsorHub’s database configuration to help overcome high-volume data ingestion bottlenecks and enhance the speed of the MongoDB aggregation pipeline.

With a renovated data architecture plan and cutting-edge MongoDB hosting environment, SponsorHub now ingests and algorithmically analyzes its sports & entertainment data in near real-time to generate ROI and engagement insights never before possible for large sponsors. Luken explained, “After evaluating a number of vendors, we found that Rackspace provided the fastest I/O and best hands-on support specialists for our platform.” And those competitive offerings have translated to benefits for SponsorHub customers; “more and more clients approach to us because they want an objective, third party evaluation of what’s really moving their business and what isn’t; and these clients need to see what insights are actionable immediately so that they don’t miss any opportunities to build consumer mindshare.”

Check out SponsorHub to learn how you can make the most out of your sports or entertainment marketing campaigns, and stay tuned to the ObjectRocket blog for updates on how you can make the most out of your data storage with us.
